VSCO is everyone's best friend when it comes to photo editing on the phone. Especially the free A-series (think about A5 and A6) and the HB1-2 are two most used filters and are unmissable for influencers. And while some have access to the VSCO x for almost a year, it's quite new for others. The majority doesn't even know what it exactly means and what you can do with the advanced version. Is it worth it's price? Is there really a big difference? As always we're testing it out for you to explain you everything.
First of all: The upgraded version comes with it's price of $19.99 USD. The standard VSCO app has free presets (A5,A6, HB1, HB2,...) and the other special filters you have to buy which can cost from 99cents 'till €10.99, depending on the package. When you sign up for VSCO X (first sign up is for one year, after that it will be renewed automatically), you will get 100+ presets and even exclusive ones such as:
- Kodak Portra 160 (KP1)
- Kodak Portra 400 (KP4)
- Kodak Portra 800 (KP8)
- Kodak Tri-X (KX4)
- Fuji Pro 400H (FP4)
- Fuji Pro 800Z (FP8)
- Kodak Ektar 100 (KE1)
- Ilford HP5 Plus (IH5)
- Fuji 160C (FP1)
- Fuji 160S (FP2)
- Kodak TMAX 3200
- Fuji Provia 400X (FR4)
- Fuji Neopan 1600 (FN16)
Next to that all of these new presets will come with the Film X editing tool which includes the possibility to adjust warmth, change strength and add character. It kind of models the effects of exposure and a scan through an analog film. With this editing tool you will also be able to improve your customization and personalize all presets. A little bit like Lightroom for example.

Once you've signed up for the upgrade, your iPhone will relaunch your library and add the presets. Nothing else will change next to that. You use it the same way as the standard and classic VSCO app. The new filters such as KP1, FS4 and FP2 are definitely the new it-filters for influencers. We tried them out and are loving them! For those who prefer a warm vintage filter you can try out AV8.

The final question you've been wondering about: "Is it worth it's price?" If you're a photographer and influencer and you're shooting a lot with your iPhone it definitely is worth the price! You will be able to customize your picture with a personal touch instead of using the filters everyone already has. Be unique and stand out! VSCO will also add new tools each month to keep it exciting for all of us. However using a DSLR camera or if you're used to Lightroom you might find it basic and you won't see a lot of change in your editing tools.