It can be a battle to find the right Instagram app that won't make us broke. Some are so expensive that we close the 'App Store' immediately, but at the same time the basic filters on Instagram aren't the right ones to use. So if you want a good and outstanding profile you need to invest and take time to find the right apps that suit you. To help you with finding the right applications we listed up some free apps and others that are cheap. Not too expensive so at the end of the month you can still buy that tee you saw earlier this week.
The list will help you to get out the most of your Instagram profile. Whether it's on marketing level or creating creative posts. Also consulting the analytics and check the followers flow will help you to get out the most of your profile. Let's start with the first list:
The most important key to have a successful and good looking feed is using the right photo editing apps and filter. With these tools you can choose your own shade, adjust brightness, change over-lighted spots and so much more.
1. VSCO CAM (FREE): the first one to use for filters. You have around 100 different types of color shades. Some are free, the others are packages which you can buy at small prices. Also brightness, contrast, shadings, etc can be adjusted. Try and create your own monochrome feed.

2. SNAPSEED (FREE): this application created by Google is very easy to use and a little more advanced than the VSCO Cam as you can edit selected parts of your picture. You open the first image edited in VSCO, change brightness or darken certain areas and save the picture. Also great for when the lighting was bad during the day: lighten it up with Snapseed and no one will see the difference.

3. PIXL (FREE): This tool can be used for photo editing and marketing purposes as you can put a text over your pictures, overlay filters and adjust them at the same time. It even has a correction tool to remove unwanted dark circles around your eyes, spots, a little lost hair sticking out of the ponytail or a sigaret on the street next to your pretty shooter shoes.

Ofcourse there are many more apps you can use. But these 3 will already give you a great monochrome feed. Detailed adjusting keys will be shared later on in our Online Guides. So stay tuned! The next list will be about 'Marketing Management tools for Instagram.'