oktober 18, 2017

Another Wednesday means another workshop! Yesterday's subject was photo editing, a very important part to learn how to do it well. With explanations from Lightroom expert Danny and a second class about the FREE photo editing apps on the phone, we showed our participants how to create a feed just like the biggest influencers. Whether it was food, beauty or fashion related, it was all possible to upgrade your picture to almost perfection.

It was an interactive workshop where you could do every step yourself. Ask question immediately so nothing would be missed. And don't worry if you couldn't be there because bYooma is now also giving individual classes! From custom made lessons in English, French and Dutch to group classes of your choice. Discover the possibilities here and contact us if you want to follow a workshop you've missed before.

What's on the planning for next week? The Insta Meet-up with An-Katrien, Thomas du Bois and Lima Ché. Three Belgian bloggers that are on the top of the influencers world in Belgium and who will share with you their story on how they made it into the Instagram and Blogger world. Learn it from them, discover their personal tips and tricks (as they clearly worked) and get inspired! To reserve a place you can click here or contact bYooma through mail: info@byooma.com. Places are limited so be in time! 

Mogelijk gemaakt door Blogger.