Our long expected Insta-Meet up took place yesterday the 25th of October. During our fourth workshop we had another interactive class given by three professional bloggers from Belgium. Thomas Du Bois (@levraichic), An-Katrien Casselman (@ankatrien) and Lima Ché (@limaswardrobe) shared their experiences with the group and explained the way they achieved their goals. Different for each of them as they have different niches and another reach of people.
Tips and tricks, do's and don'ts but also how to manage paid campaigns, stand out and personal branding were important subjects last night. And whether you're a micro of macro blogger: we can all learn from each other! Within two weeks we will be talking about 'How to grow on Instagram' and the courses 'Monetizing and Personal branding' will be organized during the month of November as well. No tickets yet? Get them now by clicking here as this fourth workshop was sold out, just like the others!
In our recap video (see it on our Facebook) you can have a glimpse of the evening and also discover some big news! bYooma is organizing something new... Stay tuned for more!

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