Did you get frustrated in the past when you wanted to upload a picture on your Instagram Stories but realized it was +24hours old so you couldn't find it unless you took a screenshot of it? Yes, we've all been facing that struggle for many months! But since the beginning of September, Instagram was testing out to remove that limit and now it's official: the 24hour limit is removed for all users. This means you can upload any picture or video you would like to share from your camera roll. And there's more to discover, but first things first: get the update and relaunch your Instagram app.
1. A new sticker has been added! If you upload a picture from another day, even several years ago, a sticker with the date will be added on it. You can remove it, change the color text (red, white or black) and do a great throwback of a nice event or vacation memory.

2. New filters on stories. Normally there are six filters available but since the update a new package of filters has been added with names of important cities such as Cairo, Mexico City, Tokyo, Lisbon, Seoul,... No Antwerp or Brussels in the list but that doesn't stop us from loving them anyway.
Which one is your favorite?

But why is this limit removal beneficial for your account?
With this new tool you won't need to post instantly or have time pressure to promote, post and show something to your customers or followers. Now you will be able to prepare and shoot everything on a day off or when you got a free moment during the day. Very important as most of the time brands didn't post any stories during the weekend due to the closing hours of the office or it was too busy in the shop to be on Instagram. To avoid this gap of posts you can now shoot during the week and keep your followers attracted during the weekend!
We're sure this will help a lot of businesses to promote and advertise all the clock around!